Episode 75

Stareoffintospacer, Compeeta, Remindo and the Root Bridges of Cherrapunji

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"Stareoffintospacer, Compeeta, Remindo and the Root Bridges of Cherrapunji"

Stareoffintospacer, Compeeta, Remindo

Compeeta, Stareoffintospacer and Remindo were quite the trio
When they were in sync, everything would flow
They could work together, and help out any friend
They were always working towards a common end
But oh if you tried to compete
You would be called a cheat
Or if you ever forgot anything
Remindo would get you with a string
And if it was focus you lacked,
Stareoffintospacer would love you for that

story Lesson

stay present and show respect when it’s needed

They travel to


Inspired by





Learn the secrets of crafting enchanting tales just like Maria! Get your little one inspired and motivated to write their own story with the Goop Story Kit – now available on Amazon!

Triplets' story is perfect for the little ones

We know you can’t wait to meet the next Goops, so give a warm welcome Stareoffintospacer, Compeeta, and Remindo! They’re Goop triplets who do just about everything together. Stareoffintospacer gets distracted easily and lives in his own little world. Compeeta loves to make everything into a competition. And Remindo writes down everything everyone says and loves to remind them of it!   

One day after a giant storm, the triplets and their friend Icantdecida visit a large, muddy sinkhole. As they try to jump over it, the triplets slip and fall deep into the water and get sent all the way to Cherrapunji in northeastern India. This area is famous for its root bridges that cross the many rivers and streams. A friendly damselfly named Tavleen tells the triplets the bridges are very much alive and can help or hurt them. They’ll have to show respect to the bridges if they want to make it back home. 

Unable to resist turning everything into a competition, Compeeta runs over a root bridge, gets her foot caught, and falls off. If they don’t do things right, Compeeta and her brothers could plummet into the river below and be lost forever. Can the triplets learn to respect the power of the root bridges?

The triplets’ adventure in India will teach kids how to stay present and show respect when it’s needed. Stareoffintospacer, Compeeta, and Remindo will need to overcome distractions and listen to their new friend if they want to make it back to Goop World. Will they be able to convince the root bridges to help them? Join them in India to find out!

As they cross the magical root bridges of Cherrapunji, little ones will develop a greater appreciation for nature, grow their attention span, and broaden their horizons. They’ll want to come back to Goop World again and again after spending time with the triplets!

previously on goop tales...

DrawUm and the Dogcatcher of Buenos Aires

DrawUm’s journey through Buenos Aires will teach little ones when it’s okay to draw on things and when it’s not. DrawUm will need to pick the correct time and place to use his abilities if he wants to make it back to Goop World. Will he be able to use his chalk for the best? Join him in Argentina to find out!

As they walk by the colorful buildings of Buenos Aires, youngsters will expand their vocabulary, avoid staring at a screen, and develop new play routines. They’ll want to come back to Goop World again and again after spending time with DrawUm!


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