Episode 64

Cootiecounto and the Land of a Thousand Lakes

Inspire your little one to create their own Goop Tale using the same process Maria does. Download the Goop Creation Kit for FREE today.

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"Cootiecounto and the Land of a Thousand Lakes"


Cootiecounto was so very very full of fun
When it came to making you laugh he would not be outdone
If ever you wanted to be in stitches
Cootiecounto could break your britches
But if ever he saw a girl or two
His tiny face would turn blue

story Lesson

why it’s so important to accept everyone for who they are

Cootiecounto travels to

Land of a Thousand Lakes, Finland

Inspired by

Emily Perchlik




Learn the secrets of crafting enchanting tales just like Maria! Get your little one inspired and motivated to write their own story with the Goop Story Kit – now available on Amazon!

Cootiecounto's story is perfect for the little ones that hate cooties

The next Goop can’t wait to be introduced, so give a warm welcome to Cootiecounto! He’s a hilarious Goop who loves to entertain with his antics. Unfortunately, he only enjoys spending time with Goop boys because he says Goop girls have cooties!  

One sunny day, Gossipina gets Cootiecounto to come close to her, touches his arm, and sends him running all the way into a nearby river.  When he pops out of the water, he finds himself on a snowy river bank surrounded by snow-covered trees in Finland. Soon, a beautiful female swan lands near him, but he doesn’t want anything to do with her because she’s a girl. Still, she decides to warn him of the gulo gulo, the dangerous wolverines that live nearby. The swan leaves Cootiecounto because he doesn’t want to be near her, but a gulo gulo appears, and now Cootiecounto really could use some help!  

Fortunately, the swan is there to save him, but Cootiecounto still has a long road ahead of him. He’ll need to find lake number 777 in order to earn a wish and get back home. To get there, he will need to get over his fear of cooties and accept help from Cygne the swan. Will he finally allow himself to spend time with girls? 

Cootiecounto’s adventure in Finland will help kids learn why it’s so important to accept everyone for who they are. Cootiecounto will have to stop judging people based on their gender if he wants to get back to Goop World. Will he be able to do it? Join him in Finland to find out!

As they fly over the snowy landscapes of Finland, kids will tap into their imaginations, develop creative play routines, and learn about exciting animals. They won’t want to leave Goop World after meeting Cootiecounto!

previously on goop tales...

Concheata and the Rainbow Mountain

One day, Concheata gets Cootiecounto to follow her to Fat Cat’s garden, where Fat Cat scares her into a flower bed. She sinks all the way down to Cusco, Peru! She soon meets a very friendly horse named Cantante, who tells her she must rest because she has altitude sickness. Concheata doesn’t want to rest, so she cheats instead. The problem is that Cantante wants to take her to the Rainbow Mountain, which is far away, and she’ll need all her strength to make it.  

Concheata’s journey in Peru will teach kids how to play fair. Concheata will need to resist the urge to keep cheating if she wants to get back to Goop World. Will she be able to do it? Join her in Cusco, Peru to find out!


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