Episode 51

Krysoe and the Chocolate Hills of the Philippines

Inspire your little one to create their own Goop Tale using the same process Maria does. Download the Goop Creation Kit for FREE today.

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"Krysoe and the Chocolate Hills of the Philippines"


The little Krysoe, as a rule
Was hardly ever late to school;
He was as truthful as could be,
And kind to all his friends was he;
But if he couldn’t have his way,
He used to cry almost all day!

story Lesson

manage their emotions under difficult circumstances

Krysoe travels to


Inspired by

Original Goop Tales Book




Learn the secrets of crafting enchanting tales just like Maria! Get your little one inspired and motivated to write their own story with the Goop Story Kit – now available on Amazon!

Krysoe's story is perfect for the little ones that can’t stop crying

The next Goop can’t wait to meet everyone, so give a warm welcome to Krysoe! He’s an earnest Goop who always puts others before himself. The other Goops love to spend time with him, except when he starts to cry, which can be quite often! 

One winter day, Krysoe goes outside to cry and meets his friend Annoya. She makes him laugh so hard that he cries a river and gets carried off to the Enchanted River in the Philippines! A friendly fish warns him to avoid the diwatas, but he doesn’t know what they are. All he knows is that if he starts to cry, they’ll come to the forest and find him! 

He meets a helpful tarsier named Isko, but even he can’t stop the diwatas from casting their spell over Krysoe. Krysoe will have to count on the kindness of his new friends if he wants to escape the diwatas and make it to the Chocolate Hills before it’s too late.

Krysoe’s journey in the Philippines will help kids learn how to manage their emotions under difficult circumstances. Krysoe will need to overcome the urge to cry if he wants to make it back to Goop World. Will his tears get the best of him? Join him in the Philippines to find out!

While under the spell of the diwatas, little ones will learn new play routines, develop a greater appreciation for nature, and practice active listening. Goop World will be their new favorite play spot after spending time with Krysoe!

previously on goop tales...

Messalina And The Angry Oboe

Messalina’s adventure in Verona will help kids understand when it’s ok to make a mess…and when it’s not. Messalina will need to learn the difference if she wants to help the instruments and get back to Goop World. Will she be able to make things right? Join her at the Teatro Filarmonico to find out!

While listening to the beautiful music in Verona, youngsters will expand their vocabulary, avoid becoming screen zombies, and broaden their horizons through travel and history. Goop World will be their new favorite play spot after meeting Messalina!


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