Episode 76

Icantdecida and the Gummy Worm Army

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"Icantdecida and the Gummy Worm Army"


I cantdecida was such a sweet tot
She almost always did what she ought
Her heart was tender and kind
With goodness she was always aligned
But when it came time to decide
Her time she would bide and bide

story Lesson

overcome their habit of indecision and learn to be sure of themselves

Icantdecida travels to

Candylicious, Dubai, UAE

Inspired by

Madelynn Green




Learn the secrets of crafting enchanting tales just like Maria! Get your little one inspired and motivated to write their own story with the Goop Story Kit – now available on Amazon!

Icantdecida's story is perfect for the little ones that are indecisive

We know you can’t wait to meet the next Goop, so give a big round of applause for Icantdecida. She’s a compassionate Goop who loves to help her friends and make them feel good. The other Goops really appreciate this, but they can’t stand it when she takes hours and hours to make a decision, especially when they’re behind her at the ice cream shop!   

One fall day, Icantdecida and her friend Yuckadoo head to the candy shop to buy some treats. Icantdecida takes forever deciding what to buy, and the gummy worms can’t take it any longer! A gummy worm slithers out of its barrel and pulls Icantdecida right in and all the way to Candylicious, the largest candy store in Dubai. She soon meets a red cinnamon bear named Qarfa, who tells her that some of the candy will get angry if you try to eat it. Unfortunately, Icandecida doesn’t know which is which, and Qarfa gets so tired of watching her indecision that he forgets to warn her.  

Icandecida takes a bit of a gummy worm, unleashing a whole gummy worm army. In order to escape, she’ll have to choose a place to hide, but it’s so hard for her to make a decision! If she wants to escape the gummy worm army and save her new friend, she’ll need to figure out how to make a decision and stick to it.

Icantdecida’s time in Candylicious will teach children the importance of making good decisions. Icantdecida will need to overcome her habit of indecision and learn to be sure of herself if she wants to make it back to Goop World. Will she be able to point herself in the right direction and escape the gummy worm army? Join her in Dubai to find out!

As they wander through barrels and tubes full of colorful candies, little ones will become better decision makers, grow their independence, and avoid becoming screen zombies. They’ll want to come back to Goop World again and again after spending time with Icantdecida! 

previously on goop tales...

Stareoffintospacer, Compeeta, Remindo and the Root Bridges of Cherrapunji

One day after a giant storm, the triplets and their friend Icantdecida visit a large, muddy sinkhole. As they try to jump over it, the triplets slip and fall deep into the water and get sent all the way to Cherrapunji in northeastern India. This area is famous for its root bridges that cross the many rivers and streams. A friendly damselfly named Tavleen tells the triplets the bridges are very much alive and can help or hurt them. They’ll have to show respect to the bridges if they want to make it back home.


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