Episode 105

Snackadoo Gets Sucked into a Pineapple

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"Snackadoo Gets Sucked into a Pineapple"


Snackadoo was full of zip and pep.
He always had a hop in his step.
If there was a party to plan,
You would want to call on this young man,
But if ever you left snacks lying around,
Rest assured with Snackadoo they would never be found

story Lesson

how to control their snacking habits

Snackadoo travels to

Hawaii, USA

Inspired by

Dorothy and Alex




Learn the secrets of crafting enchanting tales just like Maria! Get your little one inspired and motivated to write their own story with the Goop Story Kit – now available on Amazon!

Snackadoo's story is perfect for the little ones that can’t stop snacking

The next Goop can’t wait to say hello, so give a warm welcome to Snackadoo! He’s a food-loving Goop who is known for being a wonderful chef. The other Goops love this, but they don’t love it when he steals their snacks the moment he gets hungry!

One cold January day, Snackadoo and Googlina head to the library during recess. While Googlina is googling pictures of food for Snackadoo, he requests to see a pineapple, and when he tries to stick his fork in the screen, he gets sucked right in! He soon realizes he has been transported to the inside of a pineapple in Kauai. His pineapple gets bought and lands inside a home near the beach, where he is able to escape and meets a friendly pug named Fofa. Unfortunately, there’s another dog nearby, and he isn’t nearly as friendly.

Soon, a birthday party begins at the house, and Snackadoo isn’t sure how to avoid being seen. Fofa is doing everything she can to help, but a child soon spots Snackadoo. But the voice sounds somewhat familiar…is it a friend or an enemy?

Snackadoo’s journey in Kauai will help kids learn how to control their snacking habits. Snackadoo will need to practice this if he ever wants to get back to Goop World. Will he be able to do it?

As youngsters bite into the delicious Hawaiian pineapple, they will develop a rich play world, learn to discuss their ideas and opinions, and grow their attention span. Little ones will want to come back to Goop World again and again after meeting Snackadoo!

previously on goop tales...

Badmoodia and the Badab-E Surt

In the previous episode of Goop Tales, we met Badmoodia, a captivating Goop who fell into a board game and landed in Badab-e Surt in Iran! Badmoodia had turned into a gummy substance and needed to find a green pool to keep from turning into sedimentary rock like all the terraces around her. Fortunately, she had the help of a friendly butterfly and her trusty mood ring, and she was able to make it to the pool just in time. Once she appeared back in Goop World, Badmoodia was so excited to tell her friend Snackadoo all about her journey, but he was stuck in a pineapple! Keep listening to find out how he got there and the challenges he’s facing to get back home.


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